Because Adamic was the original language, its ability to say different things at the same time seems to be revealing clues. These are just some short examples.
First some random ones.
“Noah” “Knower”
“Whales” and “wails”
“Tidal wave” and “tide’ll wave”
“Tents” and “tense”
“Diarrhoea” “Dire rear”
“Disease,” “dizzies” and “decease”
“Coughin’” and “coffin”
“Injured” and “endured”
“Thai pants” and “tie pants”
“Wine cellar” and “wine seller”
“Festival” and “festive all”
“After eight” and “after ate”
“Newton” “knew tonne””
“Sin” “seen”
“Threw” and “through”
“Sinai” “sign I”
“Writer” “righter”
Clearly, there are some interesting coincidences. But there are more interesting examples. Lots more.
“Hello” and “halo”
“Hi” and “high”
“Hiya” and “higher”
“Board room” and “bored room”
“Attract” “a tract”
“Language” “languish”
“Alter” “alter”
“Rewrite” and “re-right”
“Mist” “missed”
“World” and “whirled”
“Planet” and “plan it”
“That’s cool” “that school”
“It’s spherical” “it’s very cool”
“Intuition” “in tuition”
“Portrayal” “portray all”
“Informal” and “inform all”
“Aloud” “allowed”
“Hear” “here”
“Rhyme or reason” and “rhyme more reason”
“Cause ‘n’ effect” (cause and effect) and “cause an effect”
“Eyebrows,” “eye browse,” “I browse” and “aye browse”
“I see,” “eye see,” “aye see,”
“Excerpts” “exerts”
“Acceleration” and “exhilaration”
“Define” “divine” “Devine”
“Bad guys” and “bad guise”
“Attest” to “a test”
“Date today” and “day to day”
“Problems that are occurring” and “problems that are recurring”
“Abhor” “a bore”
“It’s oil” “it’s soil”
“Blunder” and “plunder”
“Fool’s gold,” “fool scald” and “fools scald”
“Forgiving and forgetting” “for giving and for getting”
“For goodness sake” and “for goodness ache”
“Holy” “holey” “wholly”
“Fulfilled” and “full filled”
“Nice one” “nice won”
“A chord” (in harmony with) and “Accord”
“Harpsichord” “harp see chord”
“In tact” “In tacked” and “ intact”
“Fast tract” and “fast tracked”
Already you can see that this is something akin to another language, with other meanings sometimes running parallel to the meanings that are fixed when spellings are fixed.
A coherent story is forming up.