Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Google Search blocks this website

The interruption named below was resolved very quickly, and in just minutes, but this post remains as a reminder.

Not for the first time, this website has been blocked on Google Search.  Currently, if you search for a post "Adamic works in other languages", you will find that it does not come up in Google Search.

In fact, if you search in the search box for the website address, "www.theoriginallanguage.blogspot.com", it still does not come up.

This is not the case with other websites hosted on blogger, blogspot.com, and it has happened at a time when people are interested in this subject because the controversy surrounding the Mayan Long Count Calendar has resulted in a greater interest in new information.

This information has also been banned upon Wikipedia and plainly some people don't want you to see some things.

(Note to Google.  Jesus(pbuh) said that if he was killed it would draw all men to him because prophecy said that the Messiah figure would reveal everything, and naturally, getting killed would mean that people would want to know what it was that he was revealing.  The reason he repeatedly said "For those with ears to hear" is revealed on this website, along with some of the things that he revealed.  Blocking access to any of my blogs or websites will only create more interest.  If you wish to try and stop this information from becoming public knowledge, you will also need to block www.understandingprophecies.blogspot.com and www.theadamicrevelations.blogspot.com. One other thing that you may wish to know.  This is an oral tradition that is designed to be spread by word of mouth and that has been happening for several years.  It can't be stopped.  No point trying.)