Thursday, 14 June 2012

Why does "You had no idea" also say "You had no wide ear", "You had no eye dear" and "you had no why dear"?

In Part 6 of the Adamic Revelations, about the prophesied additional wisdom hidden in words, you will see exactly why Jesus said The truth will set you free, and you will see why the Qur'an says that God wants to show you the mercy that He has already given you.

You will see why the Qur'an says that in it you will find a defence, and you will see that with some extremists threatening to attack countries with nuclear weapons if they won't accept the Islamic Faith and Shariah Law, it is more relevant today than it ever was before.

You will see why certain things were prophesied, that certain things that were not understood in modern times showed that the prophecies began to come true in the times of Jesus of Nazareth, and you will see the prophecies about it continue to come true here.

You will understand them all easily, and even more easily if you read the introduction to the subject of word plays at and/or Part 1 - 5 of the Adamic Revelations.

Any Christian will recognise all of the references instantly and full references and links to multi-language websites, allowing you to compare translations as well, will be provided.

In the meantime, Christians will remember that Jesus said that the second commandment is a lot like the first commandment and it was that you should love your neighbour. And that when he was asked by a Lawyer who plainly knew what the Laws said what the most important commandment is, he had the Lawyer read it back and he included "and love your neighbour."

Quite simply, the Law said more than one thing at the same time using word plays, which is why Jesus said that the second most important commandment was a lot like the first, and he had a Lawyer read you the Law to show that it also says Love your neighbour.  Other references confirm it, including references from Paul.

After you have been shown those references and how they fit together, you will see the more specific information noted above, and any Christian will recognise that instantly as well.  It is that information that provides a defence against extreme views and actions such as killing people.