Sunday, 24 June 2012
Why does "You had no idea" also say "You had no wide ear", "You had no eye dear" and "you had no why dear"? 2
This is a two part post about what you can expect to see on this blog next. Click here to see the first part of this notification.
In the first part of this post you read about how the Prophet Jesus(pbuh) had a lawyer say that the Hebrew Laws said more than one thing and that it says Love your neighbour as well. Now we can look at another famous event in the New Testament and see that it revealed something else in the Laws of Moses(pbuh) that is very important right now. It is important because it could stop a nuclear war.
Old Testament prophecy said that the Law will be magnified. If you magnify something you make it bigger. And if you are shown that the Law said two things instead of just one, then it becomes two times bigger. Jesus(pbuh) was fulfilling that prophecy and showing people that the Laws of Moses(pbuh) contained more wisdom, more information, hidden in word plays.
As well as showing people that the Laws also said Love your neighbour, Jesus(pbuh) told a story showing that your neighbour means anyone who your words and behaviour could affect and not just people who live close to you. And he showed that the Laws said you cannot kill people. Anyone who grew up in a Christian country will recognise this straight away.
The religious leaders around Jesus(pbuh) did not want to give up their positions to the person who was prophesied and who would reveal everything. They knew that it was time for that person to arrive because when Jesus(pbuh) was born, some wise men came to visit him, asked the local leader where to find him and he had the religious leaders look at the prophecies and tell him when and where they should expect the Messiah figure to be born. The visiting wise men made sure that the leaders knew it was time for the Messiah figure to step forward.
Prophecy said that the mother of the man who would reveal all would be a virgin. And the mother of Jesus(pbuh) miraculously became pregnant while she was engaged to be married. The religious leaders could say that that was as good as a marriage. That they didn’t believe what they were being told and that they should stone Mary the mother of Jesus to death for Adultery because she was promised to someone to be married when she became pregnant. They thought that if they asked Jesus(pbuh) to say that they should stone a different woman to death, he would see what they wanted to do, try to speak against the Laws of Moses(pbuh) and that they could stone him to death for disagreeing with those Laws.
The truth is that the virgin birth tricked them into asking Jesus(pbuh) what the Laws of Moses(buh) said, so that he could fulfil the prophecy that he would magnify, or enlarge, the Laws and reveal to people what they said. The prophesied Crucifixion helped to show in a very high profile way that the Laws also said that they could not kill. The reason that Jesus said “The truth will set you free” is that the religious leaders were using oppressive Laws to threaten everyone with death and scare them into doing whatever they said. And he was about to show everyone that in truth, the Laws said they could not kill. This is what happened and you can check all of these facts for yourself in the New Testament of the Bible. Full references will be given here later to make that easy.
The religious leaders put a woman in front of Jesus(pbuh) and told him that she had been caught in the act of adultery. They asked him what the Laws of Moses(pbuh) said about what they should do. If Jesus(pbuh) said that they should stone her to death they would have killed her and then turned on his mother. If he said that they should do something else, they would stone him to death for speaking against the Laws of Moses(pbuh).
Instead, when they asked Jesus(pbuh) what the Laws said that they should do about the woman, he wrote in the dust on the ground, looked at what he had written and said something else. He told them that they should only throw the first stone at the woman if they had never sinned themselves. They did not stone him to death for speaking against the Laws of Moses(pbuh) because the Laws also said what he showed them. He read it to them. The Laws said that as well, using additional information hidden in word plays.
That is why they did not stone him to death for speaking against the Laws, when it was their intention to do that. That is why they did not stone the woman they accused of Adultery. It is why they did not stone the mother of Jesus(pbuh). And more importantly, that is why prophecy said that the religious leaders would take Jesus(pbuh) to the Romans and ask them to kill him instead.
To be clear, they took Jesus(pbuh) to the Roman occupiers and asked them to kill him because their Laws said that they could not. The Laws said they could not kill him. The religious leaders said so to the Roman leader there. Those things were written down so that you would understand what happened and why.
Just as Jesus(pbuh) had a Lawyer read the Law and say that it included Love your neighbour, he had the religious leaders say that their Laws said that they could not kill. Those who believe that God gave Moses(pbuh) Laws should also know that there are a lot of prophecies in the Old and New Testament that you would see these things.
This is why the Qur’an says that God wants to show you the mercy that he has already given you and that in it you will find a defence. These are all prophecies that are coming true in front of you now. For those who believe in God, there is no higher authority, and since He gave the Laws to Moses(pbuh) no one who claims to believe in God and Moses(pbuh) can argue with it.
Now you will understand why “You had no idea" also says "You had no wide ear", "You had no eye dear" and "you had no why dear".
Among the many prophecies that you will see and perceive, and hear and understand these things (often found in the biblical book of Isaiah(pbuh)) is a prophecy that your ears will be opened. If they are closed then they are not wide open. “You had no idea” also says “You had no wide ear” because your ears are closed until you can start to hear the other wisdom in words that is hidden in word plays. Idol also says Idle, meaning that idols do nothing and the truth is confirmed as the word speaks more than once.
The Hebrew Law did not contain spaces between the letters to make separate words and could say more than one thing, depending on where you put the word breaks too. “You had no eye dear” means that people had no eye for these things. That they could not see the additional wisdom hidden in the letters and words that Jesus had a Lawyer read to show you that the Laws also say Love your neighbour. Jesus already knew about those things. That is why he asked the Lawyer how he read the Law that he was talking about. It could be read in more than one way.
“You had no why dear” means that you had no reasons for why God hid more wisdom in the words using word plays. To get people to agree to the Laws at first, they were a lot like their existing ways and that included killing people. Once people had accepted the Laws were from God and that there is no higher authority than Him, they could be shown that God said to do things in a kinder, more merciful way, and that you should not kill. Once people had accepted the Laws came from God for many generations, they should not argue with them and what they say. It was a way of having the new arrangement ordained. For those who had the Laws already, they were already accepted as being ordained by God. The next thing to do was to show people what they said.
With some extremists saying that everyone else must accept harsh Shariah Law, law that includes killing people if they will not become Moslems, the saying of Jesus(pbuh) that “The truth will set you free” is more important now that it ever was before. Now you understand why Jesus said that the truth will set you free. Not that it will set you free from any particular faith, but that it will set you free from threats to kill you from people who claim to be using Laws given to them by God. God said don’t kill and He said it in the Laws he gave mankind.
The reason that Jesus(pbuh) said that not one bit of the Laws would be taken away is that one of his jobs is to show people what they say. To be clear, this is a prophecy about what to expect in what is often called the Second Coming of the Messiah figure. Jesus(pbuh) started to fulfil the prophecy that he would show people the other things that the Law said, and had other people confirm what the Laws said, to make it clear that that is one of the things that he will do. It is one of his jobs. Not only were those things prophesied, the precedent is already set and was accepted by the religious leaders of those times. They openly said themselves that the Laws of Moses(pbuh) said that you cannot kill and execute people.
Therefore anyone who tries to justify the death penalty by saying that the Laws of Moses(pbuh) say that people should be killed can be told that the prophesied Messiah figure who is to reveal all said the truth will set you free, because the Laws show that that kind of behaviour is banned by God. It is not permitted by God. God said you can’t execute people unless you have never sinned yourself in any way. And since Jesus was without sin and did not throw the first stone, it follows that no one who says that they believe in him should execute anyone else either. (Moslems believe in Jesus, that he was the prophesied Messiah figure and that he will come back to lead.)
This is why the biblical book of the Prophet Jeremiah(pbuh) says that God said that after the New Testament He will place His Laws in your head. In fact, that prophecy continues to speak and say more than one thing in modern English and confirms that people’s understanding of how they should behave will be corrected.
Jeremiah31:31-33 (KJV) Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the hand of Egypt: which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: 33: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; AFTER THOSE DAYS, said the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
The heart was considered to be the mind, the understanding. The mind’s eye is how you see things in your mind. To write something also says to right something, which means to correct it. “I will place my Laws in their minds and in their minds I will write it” also says “I will place my Laws in their minds, and in their mind’s eye will right it”. In plain language, I will give them Laws that match their beliefs at those times and after they have accepted those Laws, I will use them to show them the correct behaviour and tell them not to kill. You don’t have to accept these word plays if you don’t’ want to. What was written in the Old and New Testaments is already enough and is confirmed in the Qur’an.
To be clear, you are being shown prophecies about what to expect of the Christ, the Messiah figure, when he returns. Without that, people will have to accept harsh Shariah Laws that include being killed. With a minority of extremists threatening to use nuclear weapons and expecting the Messiah figure to step forward again to stop them, these are certainly interesting times. Please note, most Moslems are very peaceful people and do not agree with what the extremists say.
(Unless I am stopped from getting together and showing you the specific reference points to confirm these things quickly and easily, including in different languages, you will see them here on this blog and you will be able to see for yourself that this is all true and that the biblical things referred to here are correct. You will also see those things referred to in the Qur’an.)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Why does "You had no idea" also say "You had no wide ear", "You had no eye dear" and "you had no why dear"?
In Part 6 of the Adamic Revelations, about the prophesied additional wisdom hidden in words, you will see exactly why Jesus said The truth will set you free, and you will see why the Qur'an says that God wants to show you the mercy that He has already given you.
You will see why the Qur'an says that in it you will find a defence, and you will see that with some extremists threatening to attack countries with nuclear weapons if they won't accept the Islamic Faith and Shariah Law, it is more relevant today than it ever was before.
You will see why certain things were prophesied, that certain things that were not understood in modern times showed that the prophecies began to come true in the times of Jesus of Nazareth, and you will see the prophecies about it continue to come true here.
You will understand them all easily, and even more easily if you read the introduction to the subject of word plays at and/or Part 1 - 5 of the Adamic Revelations.
Any Christian will recognise all of the references instantly and full references and links to multi-language websites, allowing you to compare translations as well, will be provided.
In the meantime, Christians will remember that Jesus said that the second commandment is a lot like the first commandment and it was that you should love your neighbour. And that when he was asked by a Lawyer who plainly knew what the Laws said what the most important commandment is, he had the Lawyer read it back and he included "and love your neighbour."
Quite simply, the Law said more than one thing at the same time using word plays, which is why Jesus said that the second most important commandment was a lot like the first, and he had a Lawyer read you the Law to show that it also says Love your neighbour. Other references confirm it, including references from Paul.
You will see why the Qur'an says that in it you will find a defence, and you will see that with some extremists threatening to attack countries with nuclear weapons if they won't accept the Islamic Faith and Shariah Law, it is more relevant today than it ever was before.
You will see why certain things were prophesied, that certain things that were not understood in modern times showed that the prophecies began to come true in the times of Jesus of Nazareth, and you will see the prophecies about it continue to come true here.
You will understand them all easily, and even more easily if you read the introduction to the subject of word plays at and/or Part 1 - 5 of the Adamic Revelations.
Any Christian will recognise all of the references instantly and full references and links to multi-language websites, allowing you to compare translations as well, will be provided.
In the meantime, Christians will remember that Jesus said that the second commandment is a lot like the first commandment and it was that you should love your neighbour. And that when he was asked by a Lawyer who plainly knew what the Laws said what the most important commandment is, he had the Lawyer read it back and he included "and love your neighbour."
Quite simply, the Law said more than one thing at the same time using word plays, which is why Jesus said that the second most important commandment was a lot like the first, and he had a Lawyer read you the Law to show that it also says Love your neighbour. Other references confirm it, including references from Paul.
After you have been shown those references and how they fit together, you will see the more specific information noted above, and any Christian will recognise that instantly as well. It is that information that provides a defence against extreme views and actions such as killing people.
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