In part four of the articles for interpreters, we look at a possible practical application for Adamic.
When Joseph interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh, he was given a name meaning “decoder of the code.”
This strongly suggests three things.
Firstly, that he was decoding Adamic coincidences in words.
This also happened with the prophet Amos, who took some summer figs to the people that he was to talk to, showing them that the sound of the name for the figs matched the words meaning end or ending, and that they should move from where they were, because the end was coming in that place. (Source: Hebrew Online.)
Secondly, that the dreams of the Pharaoh were actually prophetic. After all, it allowed them to prepare for seven years of famine, when crops were very good for seven years prior to that.
Thirdly, that decoding the Adamic required the assistance of someone who was good at spotting the alternative meanings.
You can see here that Adamic communication in dreams is very common.