This gives you the idea of the original language, usually called Adamic, and believe it or not, you already know how it works. The sounds you speak can say more than one thing at the same time, and in more than one language at the same time, as long as you don’t speak so well that you separate each word. In the past it was also written and you’ll see you can read it straight away, but you’ll mainly find it in ordinary writing and speech.
(The written form is usually called Enochian, because Enoch wrote in it. Ignore the names of the characters and the dictionary that came with them. They were mainly a distraction to stop people reading this until now, and so was the idea of making gold.)
An important warning
An important word of warning that must be given to anyone who looks at the written form of Adamic, Enochian. The written form may make some people tired, and if that’ll be a problem, please don’t look at this, or try to read it. The spoken form’s easier and there’ll be a lot of it on this blog later.
Obviously, it’s dangerous to be tired if you’re driving or working dangerous equipment. Just to explain, thinking uses a lot of energy in your brain. It can make you tired and vague, and that’s the best way for you to be, to be able to read the written form well. It’s a bit vague. It’s almost as if it’s pulling you onto the level you need to be on to be able to read it. The antidote is food. The author of this website accepts no responsibility for any results of reading the written form of Adamic.
Other little warnings
If you don’t eat, you may perceive phonetic messages in all sorts of places around you, and it can become too much. You may be able to hear it in other languages, most of the messages will have the same theme at the start, and your new sense can become nuisance and a noise that really annoys you at first.
Now you’re going to start perceiving other things in what people say, you need to know they aren’t consciously aware of the other things they’re saying. Don’t take offence if an alternative meaning takes the micky out of you or anyone else, or if it seems to be at all insulting. It’s accidental. Just laugh at it.
Because double meanings are the main part of many jokes, you may suddenly find yourself laughing at things a lot. It may even stop you from sleeping, because you keep spotting jokes and giggling.
If you become tired some time after reading this text, or if you can’t stop perceiving other things or jokes, the antidote is food. White meat especially, will help, because meat won’t be digested as quickly as some other foods. What you will hear will be positive. (If you keep hearing negative things, it’s nothing to do with this and you need to get professional help. There’s nothing wrong with doing that, but as in life, look for the positives and you’ll find them. If you notice a lot of innuendos, don’t worry. There’s a very big sense of humour behind everything.)
Reading the written form of Adamic, Enochian
I could read the Enochian text instantly. I am not religious, but this is the language of Heaven, so I make no apologies for the spiritual references.
Adamic is the oldest language in the world. The one from which all other languages grew, and as you are about to find out, it’s all ready in your head. It’s the language of God, Heaven, and Adam and Eve.
It can keep saying different things, without changing. The easiest way to read it is to stare at the large, strange looking letters, and see if you can make anything out that might make up a word, phrase or sentence in any language. If you don’t read from left to right in your language, then read it in what ever way you’re used to, but hears one example.
On the top line, the last four letters on the right look like ELLW. God doesn’t need to shout and usually speaks very softly. You get the best results if you almost mumble it softly. So say it, and if you try and make the sound and then hear what it sounds like, you’ll get something like this:

“ELLW” “Ello” “Hello”
If you can make that out, you’ll be able to make out your first message in the top line, because it’s so rich in meaning, even the alphabet can say different things. Remember, say it softly. Mumble it and listen to what comes out of your own mouth.

It shows your languages contain phonetic clues. What’s God’s favourite number? “It’s seven.” Now say it softly yourself, and listen again. “It’s seven.” “It’s Heaven.” In the middle of the top line you will see: ITS 7. “It’s Heaven”.
Now you’re ready to read the top line again.
“VEL ITS7. ELLW.” “Well it’s Heaven. Hello.”
You’ve just started to learn the language of Heaven and received your first hello. Your first halo. You’ve read it, spoken it, heard it and understood it, because it is all ready in your head. Far more interesting than that, it’s sensitive to the context that you are reading it in and can joke at your expense.
For example, I’d been interested in what it’s like to fast. I then had no choice because my money ran out, my food was simply having no effect and my jaw locked up a bit after some dental work. I went a bit jaundiced – yellow. I could perceive things and someone referred me to the Enochian text. Even though I was only looking at the alphabet, I could read it immediately without the use of a dictionary or any help. In my natural state, feeling hungry and tired, I read across the top line phonetically:
Say it softly. “Well it’s yellow, hello.” Adamic is a softly spoken language.
A friend told me that the top line also reads as an Italian expression meaning truthful, “Veritiero” , and in the bottom left, I could see the word LOVE.
It can be read in all sorts of ways. It basically works with what's all ready in your head. The last character in the Enochian alphabet on the top right is:It looks like one of the symbols for God, and it's worn on a chain around the neck so that it’s around the area of the heart on the chest. Look again. Isn’t it shaped a bit like a heart? It also looks a bit like a womb with the fallopian tubes. Some people read it as an upside down W and others as an M. Try and say wm and you get something like wom. Phonetically, this can be read as womb and whom.
It’s a God thing. If you don’t like that, you may as well get used to the idea.
If anyone says this is supernatural, please point out to them that super natural would merely mean very natural. Extraordinary merely means extra ordinary. Very ordinary.
It’s not about evil and anyone who tells you it is, is just plain wrong. Likewise anyone who labels any medium, psychic or witch as evil. The Prophets were mediums.
I’ll prove this is about God. The famous English seer who revealed the Enochian text, Edward Kelley, and the man he worked with for quite a while, John Dee, strongly believed in God and prayed a great deal before calling on angels and asking for help in understanding.
I’ll prove it again. They used to use a stone mirror to try and call the angels. “Mirror call.” “Miracle.” (You don't need a stone mirror. It's literally been under your "knows" all the time.)
But I’m warning you now, don't call upon any spirit, and especially not a bad one. They don’t like being summoned as if they are there to obey you, and if anything happens, you won’t really know who it is.
Don’t experiment with magic and don’t draw bad signs like upside down pentagrams, because if you show bad intent, that’s what you may get. Worse still, you may be taught a lesson for it with bad things happening to people you care about. I've personally seen someone make that mistake, and the results. You have been warned.
There’s an overall plan, which will soon be revealed, so bookmark this blog at home and keep an eye on it. I’ll prove there’s an overall plan.
Did God plan it? The word “Planet” shows he did. And that's in the language shared by God and Adam.
Please keep some snack food on you after reading this, especially if you are driving, and remember to pass the warning on about getting tired before showing anyone how to read Enochian, the written form of Adamic.
You may also need more water, so can I suggest you keep a drink on you if you're driving as well. If you are driving and you start to feel tired, please pull over and stop driving as soon as possible. Please don't drive if you're feeling tired.
If you find that things that are said and written around you seem to echo your thoughts, don't worry about it. You are just being shown that something really is happening.
See also: People read letters around words