Monday, 24 September 2012

The Buddha prophesied that Jesus(pbuh) would show people Adamic

Udanavarga 22:4 As a man with eyes who carries a lamp sees all objects, so too with one who has heard the Moral Law. He will become perfectly wise. Note: The idea of having a light to see was referred to by Jesus more than once, including the Parable of the Candlestick at Matthew 5:14-16, in which he told those listening to let other people see the wisdom in the words as well. The same message can also be seen at Mark 4:21, Luke 8:16 and Luke 11:33. Prophecy said that the Law would be expanded, magnified, at Isaiah 42:21* to allow people to see the other things that it said and Jesus(pbuh) began doing that. To see examples click here. Light is also referred to by the Buddha at Digha Nikaya.

Digha Nikaya 14:1:17 When a Bodhisattva descends from heaven, there appears in this world an immeasurable, splendid light surpassing the glory of the most powerful glow. And whatever dark places lie beyond the world’s end will be illuminated by this light. Note: Jesus(pbuh) referred to himself as the light of the world at John 8:12 and having given people the light, he said that those around him were then the light of the world at Matthew 5:14-18. Light referred to being able to see and perceive the other wisdom in the words given in accordance with the Adamic Prophecies such as Isaiah 29:18, Isaiah 42:16, Isaiah 42:6-7 and Isaiah 9:2 (which was written in the past tense because the Prophet Isaiah(pbuh) had seen it in a vision). 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4, and 6 make it clear that this included the Gospels. Light is also referred to by the Buddha at Udanavarga 22:4.

The Buddha prophesied Jesus and to see the other prophecies, click here.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Biblical and other references to Adamic and Prophecies that you will understand it

A list of references to Adamic is being compiled at

For an introduction to the subject for religious people, see

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

STOP PRESS - Google Search includes Adamic Revelations again

Following yesterday's posts on the websites and Google Search has allowed people to find those websites by searching with the words "Adamic Revelations". Thank you Google Search for allowing people to see what was referred to so many times and prophesied so much.  Congratulations to Blogger for being the service chosen to allow people to see so many prophecies that have been read by billions of people around the world over thousands of years coming true before any other public service.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Google bans searches about the Adamic Revelations

Today, if you attempt to search for "Adamic Revelations" on Google, you will find that it says there are no results.  As you can see here, information about them are on Blogger, which was taken over by Google some time ago.  If you searched on those words in the past the sister blogs and were both at the top of the list of entries that came up, so the subject has been banned by Google Search.  This shows that the Adamic Revelations are so important that they have come to the attention of those in power - and that there are people who do not want you to see them.